X-Mozilla-Status: 0001 http://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/08/business/yourmoney/08fund.html ......... ........... Clifford S. Asness, managing principal at AQR Capital Management in Greenwich, Conn., relies on a different P/E ratio, one made famous by the Yale economics professor Robert J. Shiller, and finds that stocks are still historically expensive. Mr. Asness has taken the current price of the S.& P. 500 and divided it by the 10-year average of trailing corporate earnings. By that measure, the S.& P. trades at a P/E of around 26. With the exception of the late 1990's, the last time the market was this expensive was in the years leading up to the Great Depression. Many investors may not want to hear that. ............. .................. -- -Fred Chase (Frederick N. Chase)